How are Qualified Small Businesses similar and different between Sections 1202 and 1244?

If you are familiar with the definition of a qualified small business per Section 1202 there are a few nuances with Section 1244 as well as the methods of acquiring the stock. The difference between Section 1202 (not an exhaustive list) and 1244 are below:

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This article does not constitute legal or tax advice. Please consult with your legal or tax advisor with respect to your particular circumstance.

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QSBS Expert was founded by a group of entrepreneurs, investors, accountants and lawyers who came together when trying to navigate a QSBS situation of their own. We quickly realized that the regulations left a lot of open questions and the publicly available information was confusing to sift through…so we thought that others may also benefit from having a “go to” resource for all things QSBS.